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How To Uninstall Growl For Mac

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Table of Contents

*How To Uninstall Growl For Mac Download

*How To Uninstall Growl On MacUninstalling Growl 1.3 and later

 Growl 1.3 is installed via the app store. As a result, it is pretty easy to remove Growl. Follow these steps: 

*Make sure that Growl is not running. Look for the Growl claw up by the clock on the menu bar.

*Go into your Applications folder. You can find this by clicking on the Go menu in Finder.

*Locate Growl.

*Send Growl to the Trash.

*Growl will now be in the Trash. Empty the Trash at your convenience.

*To remove all files related to Growl, look further down for the Other files left on the system section.Uninstalling Growl 1.2.2 (or any version prior to 1.3)

Growl is known to many a Mac user, but its sudden and surprising appearance in some Macs has caused a stir. (Depending on your version, you may see Join Online Meeting.). Connect with your team anywhere using clients across Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android™, or bring remote participants into meeting spaces of all sizes with Skype for Business. To get the mobile app, enter your email and we'll send a download link. View all Mac apps.

Note for App Store users If you removed Growl 1.2.2 before installing 1.3, you do not need to run this. If you run the uninstaller after installing 1.3 from the app store, you may need to redownload from the app store once done

*Download the Growl uninstaller.

*Run it.

The uninstaller will remove Growl from both of the places where it might be installed, skipping any where it isn't. If you are uninstalling Growl for a reason that you feel we should be told about, please contact us through one of the methods on the contact page, and we can look into fixing those problems.

If uninstalling with the Growl Uninstaller appears to fail, it's probably because an application reinstalled Growl on your system. See our page about applications that install Growl without your permission for more information.Uninstalling Growl 1.2.2 Manually (or any version prior to 1.3)

The uninstaller is a bit easier than the manual steps. However, here are the manual removal steps.

*First, go into System Preferences.

*Next, click on the Growl icon at the bottom of the System Preferences pane.

*Stop Growl

*Uncheck 'Start Growl at Login'.

*Uncheck 'Show Growl icon in the menu bar'.

*Go back to the main System Preferences area.

*Hold down CTRL on your keyboard, and click on Growl.

*Click on 'Remove 'Growl' Preference Pane'.

*Growl will now be in the Trash. Empty the Trash at your convenience.

*To remove all files related to Growl, look further down for the Other files left on the system section.Other files left on the systemHow To Uninstall Growl For Mac Download

The steps above will remove Growl itself, but will leave other files on the system in case you want to reinstall Growl. These files are basically text files, and will not do anything to your system. They also do not take up a lot of space.

You can however remove them. Here is the list of files and folders to look for: 


*~/Library/Application Support/Growl/A warning about third-party uninstallers (AppZapper, MacKeeper, etc.)

Some users try using third-party applications to remove Growl from their system. These applications often fail to uninstall Growl thoroughly (generally speaking). We're not sure why.

The Growl Uninstaller both stops Growl from running and deletes it from your system; as such, the Growl Uninstaller is the most reliable way, and the only way we recommend, to remove Growl from your system.How To Uninstall Growl On Mac

The uninstaller is an AppleScript application and, like Growl itself, is open source. If you know AppleScript or know someone who does, you can open up the uninstaller in the AppleScript Editor application to see exactly what it does.





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